Weekly post over readings

I was baffled to read that people could not believe that an Iraqi woman was actually writing a blog. It made me laugh when I read what she believed to be American assumptions of Iraq, such as they don't have the internet, do not know how to use the internet or well even have computers. I know many people believe that third world countries do not have the same technological advances that we do. I've even heard some people surprised to hear that relatives in Mexico have access to email, much less a computer. I guess all those 'save the children of _________ (insert 3rd world country name here)' commercials have given people misconceptions about many countries.

Though the girl continues to blog and give us her side of the story, people are still critical, thinking that we're saving them from something so horrible (though most people are still unaware about what this war is truly about) and that she shouldn't criticize America or Americans.

I'm very happy that she had the courage to blog, that she brought about the truth of what is happening to her country, since we're just exposed to the very biased and very one sided version of what the news believes to be important enough to air.

The fact that she had a play which presented people with her blog posts means that there are people interested in what she has to say and that they truly believe that what she says is from the heart, not a way to make Americans feel sorry for her situation.

Maybe other women will follow in her path and blog about their conditions in their countries, cities or even homes. We NEED to know what is outside our lives, cities and countries. We need to be more knowledgeable, be less selfish and self-consumed and take a look into others lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting summary of the readings and I know what you mean I also have relatives in Mexico. I also agree with your closing statement women all over the would need to share their experiences and conditions if not it the standard is set that all women should have the same standard of living just because they are all women and that in its self is bias.


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